Hardwood Plywood
Hardwood Plywood Has Several Key Advantages
Environmental Investment:
It is a natural product made from a renewable resource. Therefore, it is one of the most environmentally friendly decorative products available to the consumer.
Various Plywoods

Pound for pound, plywood is stronger than steel in static bending strength. What makes plywood so strong is its unique cross-layered structure. The adhesives used to bond the veneers in plywood are actually stronger than the wood itself.
The plywood manufacturing process achieves a more complete utilization of the log than does lumber manufacturing. No sawdust results from either rotary cutting or slicing (the two most popular methods of cutting veneer). Greater square foot coverage, in comparison to solid wood products, is achieved by using veneer. Thus, plywood manufacturing makes better use of the high value woods prized by consumers today.
Architects and designers prefer the beauty of wood over any other material. The natural characteristics of wood make it attractive to the eye. Wood defies imitation. No material can match the infinite variety of natural markings and figure patterns offered through fine hardwood.
Hardwood Plywood

A great variety of products in various sizes and shapes can be manufactured from hardwood plywood. Chair backs and seats, domes, bowling alley channels, and pianos are just a few of the many curved plywood products.
In museums all over the world are ancient examples of plywood furniture and decorative veneers that have lasted hundreds of years.
(1) WPMA - Wood Products Manufacturers Association
(2) AWFS - Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers
(3) Hardwood Manufacturers Association